2025 Astrology Forecast & Collective Horoscope
“Hope is an act of resistance.”
The astrology of 2025 is brimming with radical shifts and previews themes we will be exploring for years to come. We are entering an era that is ripe with conflict and unchecked displays of power, but the truly defining moments will be people joining together and standing up to authority. A whopping four outer planets are dipping into new signs: Neptune and Saturn enter Aries, Jupiter enters Cancer, and Uranus enters Gemini. After dancing between Capricorn and Aquarius over the past four years, Pluto returned to Aquarius last October—this time until 2044. Pluto, the planet of death, rebirth, transformation, and power was in Aquarius during the French and American Revolutions, as well as part of the Renaissance, and will surely accelerate dramatic political and societal change. Many of us will evolve in ways that may just take us by surprise. With all of these slow-moving “generational” planets shifting together, this year is pivotal and represents a major turning point for humanity. We may feel at the mercy of much larger forces on an individual and collective level, but we can regain our power in the ways we respond and the connections we foster.
The astrology of 2025 is so dynamic that I actually want to break it down into three distinct parts, so we can better digest the overarching themes that will be playing out:
Murky Waters (January - April)
Brave New World (April - September)
Semblance of Normalcy (September - December)
January - April
We begin the New Year with some unease and turbulence. Mars, the planet of action, drive, and aggression has been retrograde in Leo since October 2024, and is opposing Pluto in Aquarius on January 2nd. The clashing of these two planets could represent a conflict or tension between “the people” and government, as well as technological mishaps and cyber attacks. Mars and Pluto were also opposing during the US election, and could feel like a reminder of what is coming this month and stir up some contention around the shifting of power.
Shortly after, Mars moves backwards into Cancer on January 6th, the sign of its traditional fall or where its weakest. The ebbs and flows of this emotional water sign can leave us feeling moody or depleted, and pronounces the retrograde influence of Mars even more. While Mars does begin to move forward in February, it won’t leave Cancer until April. Meanwhile Venus and Neptune conjoin in Pisces on February 1st and March 27th. The joining of these two can be transcendent, romantic, and visionary but can also tend towards ungroundedness, escapism, and even delusional thinking. Venus, the planet of beauty, love, and abundance is exalted or most powerful in Pisces, whereas Neptune is sometimes regarded as the modern ruler of Pisces and very much at home in its mysterious depths. Neptune is also referred to as the higher octave of Venus, and with the Sun, Mercury, Saturn, and the North Node (one of the points where eclipses occur) also in Pisces around this time, there is this sense of aligning with what your heart and soul truly desires. This profound awakening will likely inspire actions individuals will be taking in the middle part of the year, and might serve as a buffer from some of the more intense dynamics playing out in the world.
March is full of catalytic alignments that can feel frustrating, stifling, and overwhelming at times. Venus begins its retrograde motion in Aries from March 3rd until April 12th. Venus retrograde is generally a time of reevaluating relationships, finances, and values—this time with a big emphasis on self. The archetypally femme Venus in Aries (along with Mars in Cancer) could also really highlight the tension around reproductive rights, as well as the experiences of women and queer people. Gender overall is likely going to play a prominent theme in the first part of the year, especially as Mars further unravels masculinity into a healing crisis. While culturally men are typically centered and privileged, most men are still not liberated in the sense that they live in fear or rejection of their authentic selves and feelings, and perform what they believe masculinity is rather than embody their unique expression of it. Gaining control by oppressing others is the polar opposite of reclaiming personal power—and because our world is mostly patriarchal at this time, this will resonate on an international level. It cannot be overstated how much of the world’s problems right now are the manifestations of fragile masculinity. Mars retrograding in Cancer can provide a profound opportunity for men and masculine people to heal and reconnect emotionally, though this will almost certainly require a willingness to introspect, seek out therapy or support, and embrace trauma with compassion.
Mercury follows suit with Venus and begins its retrograde the same day as the Total Lunar Eclipse in Virgo on March 14th. Mercury retrograde tends to show us what can be revised or reconceived, and is notorious for breakdowns, delays, and miscommunications in our daily lives. The Lunar Eclipse in Virgo (which is incidentally ruled by Mercury) could also signify disruptive changes to the status quo, especially involving healthcare, labor, and efficiency. We have the last Solar Eclipse in Aries from the previous cycle on March 25th, and the energy is raw, feisty, and forceful. This eclipse could herald conflicts or tensions rising to the surface. Particularly in the wake of two eclipses, along with Venus and Mercury retrograde, beginnings and endings might feel like they are happening to us rather than by us this March, and it’s generally best to conserve your energy and “ride the waves” rather than trying to take control of these oceanic currents.
April - September
After these eclipses, we can think of April through September almost like a preview for the years ahead. As mentioned before, Neptune, Saturn, Jupiter, and Uranus are all entering into new signs; but all save for Jupiter will move backwards into their previous signs in the last quarter of the year. All of these outer planets shifting so close together in time is unprecedented, and emphasizes that 2025 is a HUGELY transitional year. Neptune enters Aries on March 29th until October 22nd when it moves back into Pisces, and returns to Aries in early 2026 all the way until 2038. Saturn joins Neptune in Aries on May 22nd, and though these two don’t exactly conjunct or join together until 2026, they remain very close throughout the year. These two planets are very different and promise to play out very interesting dynamics. Saturn brings restrictions, structure, and boundaries, whereas Neptune dreams, diffuses, and dissolves.
Saturn and Neptune transiting together could signify a massive reconstruction around independence, leadership, power, and conflict—but may be confounding or obscuring at times. We might be told certain actions will afford us more freedom or that “the ends justifies the means,” but the results only lead to more restrictions and challenges. Saturn is actually considered to be in its fall or at its weakest in Aries, whose drive and impulsivity can really degrade the stability this planet offers, and instead becomes agitated, frustrated, and reactive. Saturn and Neptune together in Aries may be prone to project blame onto others without taking accountability or fully considering the consequences of actions, which feels especially dangerous within the present zeitgeist. Neptunian influence could easily conceal these dynamics and even seduce some towards working against their own best interests. We should be especially wary of skewed perspectives, including nationalistic propaganda, zealotry, and psycho-spiritual bypassing.
While the energy is ungrounded, idealism can make lofty goals and aspirations feel within reach, and inspire actions towards them. Neptune in Aries reminds me of the conceptual “higher self,” or the soul’s most actualized potential. Saturn does imply some constriction, but there is a sort of erosion taking place that makes it seem like many traditional beliefs, values, and expectations will fall away in the emergence of new identities and ideals. Saturn and Neptune together can quite literally represent an existential crisis, which technically may have begun in 2023 when Saturn joined Neptune in Pisces, but feels like it’s hitting a boiling point in Aries—it’s now physical and out in the open. While this may sound like a “bad thing,” many people are finally motivated to take actions that are aligned with them and live more authentically, even if that means the end of old lifestyles, jobs, and relationships.
Jupiter entering Cancer on June 11th represents a major turning point. Jupiter, the planet of fortune, growth, and opportunities is traditionally exalted or most powerful in the sign of Cancer. While 2025 starts off with the drudgery of Mars in Cancer, Jupiter might just make all that struggle feel worth it. You should absolutely refer to your own natal chart to see where these challenges could give rise to unexpected growth and opportunities! Cancer is a highly emotional and relational sign, often connected to family, lineage, and home. While none of this negates the reality of the times we are living in, this transit offers some reprieve and clues as to where we can focus our energy proactively. Even more so than other years, 2025 is the time to place your faith and hope in the people you love, your community, and mutual aid. August 11th feels like an especially sweet time, as the two benefic planets Venus and Jupiter join together in Cancer. This is arguably the luckiest day of the year (especially since Jupiter is already strong), making it a powerful time to create, connect, and set intentions.
Uranus entering Gemini on July 7th is the start of an electrifying decade of technology and information. Uranus in Gemini harmonizing with Pluto in Aquarius is akin to opening Pandora’s Box, and could yield breakthroughs and discoveries that result in total paradigm shifts. An advent of new social media, communication technology, and news coverage might reinvent the way we share and receive information. Saturn and Neptune in Aries also activate Uranus and Pluto, but again, Saturn in its weakened state gives the impression of unchecked development. New ways of living become possible, but the rise of AI and surveillance technology looms with heavy implications. The ethics around transhumanism and artificial intelligence will become even more hotly debated over the next decade, especially as technology outperforms and even replaces humans and our jobs. Humanity will likely find itself in another Space Race within the next twenty years, whether that is about “claiming” other planets or harvesting materials. There are a plethora of positives and negatives that could come with these changes that should all be considered. Another potential dark side of this revolution is that war is often the catalyst for such scientific and technological advancements, most especially in the realms of weaponry, transportation, and resources.
While there are major conflicts and genocides already being broadcast and streamed from around the world, there are a few prominent indications that the United States will be more directly involved in war within the next decade. Neptune last entered Aries on April 13th, 1861—one day after the American Civil War began—and will be in Aries from the end of March until October, then returns to Aries from 2026 until 2038. Uranus enters Gemini from July 7th until November 7th, before fully transiting through Gemini from 2026 until 2032. The United States’ natal chart has Uranus (change, innovation, rebellion) and Mars (action, aggression, conflict) in Gemini in its astrological seventh house of public relations, and Uranus was in Gemini during the American Revolution, the Civil War, and World War II. This means that since the inception of the US, Uranus in Gemini has coincided with its participation in war. The real kicker? Donald Trump also has Uranus in Gemini, and his North Node is almost exactly on top of the US’s Mars placement. The North Node is like an intense spiritual yearning or calling. Donald Trump almost seems destined for wartime, whether it's involving him, the people he brings into power, or his policies and actions.
While these are frightening prospects, part of the “progress” we are experiencing will likely reshape warfare itself, and the wars of the future won’t necessarily resemble the wars of the past. Cyber attacks, data breaches, and interference with electronic infrastructures are likely offenses. Censorship and misinformation tactics also seem probable. Similar to 2020, there are a host of conditions which are a breeding ground for conspiracy theories. We should note, however, that many significant social movements and revolutions also rise to prominence as a result of humanitarian crises, and the real victories of Pluto in Aquarius come from the resistance itself. The sociopolitical movements and struggles during this era will fundamentally reshape the lives of future generations.
September - December
After the high velocity of planetary shifts and previews of what is to come over the past five months, September slows everything down and gives us a chance to digest and assimilate these new dynamics for the remainder of 2025, as well as return to the places we started off the year with more wizened perspectives. The Pisces Lunar Eclipse on September 7th and the Virgo Solar Eclipse on September 21st might feel disruptive, but both represent a reality check and need for more pragmatic solutions and approaches. This is a time to get practical about what you want, as well as figure out what routines and structures work for you. There may also be a greater emphasis around health and wellness resulting from this eclipse cycle over the next couple years, which might indicate concerns of Covid variants or other pathogens, and possibly coincide with revisions to public health systems in 2025 and 2026. New treatments, procedures, and even cures may be born from the scientific breakthroughs that are underway—which also includes modalities for mental health and well-being.
Saturn and Neptune move back into Pisces on September 1st and October 22nd respectively. Uranus returns to Taurus on November 7th. With three of the outer generational planets returning to the signs they were in at the start of 2025 and previous years one last time, it really does feel like a review or “final exam” to conclude those older cycles.
Saturn and Neptune in Pisces helps us get back to the why in our lives, explore the reasons we do what we do, good or bad, and make adjustments accordingly. There is a big focus on our spirituality, creativity, and dreams—which will likely have shifted in big ways as a result of the next chapters we have previewed. At this point, some of us may even feel like different people from who were at the start of the year. What we considered significant may feel small to us, or our desires may have shifted in ways we didn’t anticipate. This will be a time to get familiar with what our new dreams are, or perhaps recognize what has stayed consistent through it all. While Saturn began its transit through Pisces in 2023, Neptune first entered Pisces back in 2011 and 2012. How have you shifted over these times, especially in regards to your spirituality, intuition, creativity, and dreams?
Similarly, Uranus first entered Taurus in 2018, and this last stint is helping us shake the very foundations that no longer sustain us, particularly around our finances, resources, and values. How have your priorities changed in your life? The growing economic crisis and expansion of cryptocurrency feels very relevant to this previous cycle with the unpredictable and future-oriented influence of Uranus, and though the world still teeters on financial uncertainty, we should pay close attention to any financial reforms and proposed solutions that are offered during this time.
Mars in Sagittarius quarrels a bit with Saturn and Neptune in Pisces on December 8th and December 14th, potentially creating some friction around large structures, institutions, and alliances. However, Mars enters Capricorn on December 15th, which is the sign it’s traditionally exalted or most powerful in. This is a little ironic given that so much trouble at the start of the year resulted from Mars retrograding in Cancer where it was weakest. Mars is now more consistent, helping us build towards our futures, and start off 2026 on an empowered note.