2022 Yearly Horoscopes & Psychic Predictions
2022 forecast
The notion of progress is a relatively recent one when reflecting upon the totality of human history. Throughout much of the world, there was (and is) a common thread of “the fall from greatness.” Most perceived that the world was degrading and believed they were living in the “end times,” and it wasn’t until the industrial revolution where we started to see this widespread idea of innovation offering a better quality of life. While we find ourselves in a global pandemic and times that are frequently referred to as “unprecedented,” the truth is that many of the concerns and fears we have now are not dissimilar to those of our ancestors… disease, scarcity, and conflict are by no means new. But there is a unique disillusionment within this era. Many people, especially younger generations, feel duped. Many people alive today live a life based on the promises of what will be rewarded to them with time and effort. We see this in the education system, work force, politics, and pretty much any social structure imaginable. Even in our personal relationships, many of us will stay with people with an expectation that they will someday become the person or fulfill the role we want or need them to be. Similarly, anything that you have put off for years will likely blow up in your face. 2022 in particular is going to be a year we address the bargains we have made with ourselves and others.
Even in the different perspectives on the way to respond to the pandemic, many people on either “side” still believe we can return to the world we once lived in—but this is in fact a trauma response. Over the past couple of years I have frequently thought of the fives stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. While these stages are presented in a way that is very linear and lacking in nuance, they seem to illuminate the complex social dynamics and responses we have seen in the pandemic. 2022 is a year the world at large shifts from bargaining into depression. Perhaps you read these words and believe I’m mistaken, “Michael, I’m already depressed.” But the truth is that you have most likely tolerated your pain or sadness to the degree you felt you needed to in order to “get through” or “until these people change their minds.” Our lives have been forever changed. Holding out for things to return to the way they once were is simply another form of bargaining, and will in fact bring you more prolonged pain. Even if Covid magically vanished overnight, many of the resulting impacts would remain or are inevitable: lives that have been lost or changed by disability, the economic aftermath, the division between people, trauma, and the response to future pathogens. We must take lucid assessments of what is presently available to us this year, rather than holding out for something else to come or change. We must be brave enough to ask for help when we need it and be radical in our compassion towards others.
Astrologically, there are many resounding moments throughout 2022—especially regarding economy and political structures. Ingenuity will become even more of a necessity this year, as well as discernment towards spending and investments. As many of you know, the United States will be in the heart of its Pluto return in 2022. Pluto will actually return to the exact degree of Capricorn it was in when the U.S. was founded three times this year: February 22nd, July 11th, and December 28th. Pluto is a dramatic luminary that brings about endings and major shifts. Pluto is in the astrological second house of the United States, which means it is influencing our finances, resources, possessions, values, and sense of security. Economic structures may be pushed to breaking points. Studies have found that the average empire lasts about 250 years, which is interestingly about how long it takes for Pluto to cycle through the entire zodiac. We should expect no shortage of challenges in 2022. So much of what the United States will be experiencing will no doubt ripple across the world, especially into 2023 and 2024 when Pluto reaches the final critical degree of Capricorn just before entering Aquarius. Over the next couple of decades, industries will feel increasing pressure to be conducive to workers. A movement towards worker-owned or co-op businesses will likely be the equivalent to the unionization movement of the 1940’s and 1950’s of our generation.
Mercury will go retrograde four times this year, mostly starting in air signs and ending in earth signs—whatever has been spiraling through the air is finally crashing to earth. With the eclipses, North Node, and Uranus in Taurus, there is even more of an emphasis on needing to make radical shifts with the handling of wealth and resources to stay afloat during these changing times. The eclipses in April - May and October - November will likely play the loudest notes for these themes. Taurus also represents agriculture and landscapes—which could manifest as food shortages in some areas and increased effects of climate change. The need to address unsustainable infrastructure in general will become more apparent. The first couple of months may feel rocky out of the gate with Venus and Mercury being retrograde. However, all planets will be direct from February to April, meaning things may happen very quickly. The outer planets will begin their retrograde seasons around the middle of the year: Jupiter from May 10th to November, Saturn from June 4th to October 23rd, Uranus from August 24th to January 1st, Neptune from June 28th to December 24th, and Pluto from April 24th to October 8th. The intensity should slow down through most of these months, until we shift gears around October when Mars goes retrograde for the rest of the year in Gemini—sparking all sorts of conflict, disagreements, and misinformation. One of the visions that came to me for 2021 - 2024 was terrorist attacks, but I don’t necessarily think they will take the form we anticipate. We are living in an era of cyber terrorism, and the last three months of 2022 as well as the Mercury retrograde periods are especially prone to such attacks. Unfortunately the threat of violence only increases the longer we live in these pressurized times, especially under greater economic strain. 2022 is also an election year in the United States, which will inspire power grabs and further highlight divisions that already exist. Civil conflicts and disobedience could be polarized within the U.S. and between its designated enemies. Shifts in borders and jurisdictions appear to be an eventuality, largely as a result of the fractures that widened in the past couple of years. Secession or separation of certain states could become an open conversation. While 2022 will be ripe with humanitarian crises, protests, and revolutions—the astrology is ultimately guiding us towards taking care of others and the world around us… its almost like the world is suffocating us until we stop suffocating it.
2022 may represent an artistic or creative renaissance with Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces—both in their sign of co-rulership. There is a profound longing to be taken to other worlds or states of being. I suspect certain spiritual (or cult) figures may become especially prominent during this time, as spiritual seeking and the ability to conceal or manipulate are at an all time high. Scams may be more frequent in general. The art of 2022 and 2023 will likely feel familiar, otherworldly, and immersive all at the same time. While this is a great year for artists and creative projects, addictions, dissociation, and escapism could prove particularly troublesome this year too. Compounded with rapid technological advancements, augmented reality will be explored in much greater depth, especially into 2023 and 2024. While Metaverse may or may not succeed in pioneering in this front, it will no doubt inspire or pave the way for other platforms. One of the things I foresee in years to come is legal discussions regarding virtual spaces and online infrastructures. Virtual spaces will essentially be an avenue for the extremely wealthy to circulate or exchange assets that would otherwise be unavailable. This reminds me a bit of the Citizens United court case that ruled corporations are legal persons. I honestly don’t understand these timeline potentials very well, but my guess is that if we are to see any sign of them manifest in 2022 or 2023, it will probably start off with tighter regulations around the exchange of cryptocurrencies or the creation of a centralized digital currency. Overall, however, these beautiful Piscean aspects serve as a major balm for the challenges we will encounter in 2022—if not impractical or out-of-touch at times. Art may unify some of the divisions we have felt over the past couple of years, but I don’t think the impact will be as profound as The Beatles for example. While there may be a lot of pain and upheaval in 2022, there is also a wellspring of faith that can be tapped into more easily than usual if we take just a bit of time to connect with it each day. We should remember our own sovereignty, rather than seek out putting all our faith in others who claim to be more conscious. While it is important and healthy to connect with others in meaningful ways, our own connection to the divine should not primarily come from an individual or even a group of people. Spirit is speaking very loud this year, even if it is hard to hear in the clamor and chaos, and any practice will be especially potent. What is most important to you? 2022 will ultimately pull us in the direction of prioritizing what matters most while letting go of unnecessary complications.
Horoscopes for 2022
For your rising, sun, and moon signs:
The socioeconomic changes coming in 2022 are almost certain to cause some tremors in your own security, but by choice or chance, could catapult you into something far greater than you would have otherwise dared to reach for—especially in regards to your career and wealth. The eclipses in spring and autumn will be affecting your finances, assets, power, and secrets. The solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30th can catalyze new financial periods and ways of acquiring income, while the lunar eclipse eclipse in Scorpio on May 15th can signify endings or completions within investments and shared resources, as well as sexuality, death, and spirituality. Pay close attention to what occurs over the following six months, as the next solar eclipse in Scorpio on October 25th may be especially revealing, as well as a time for investments, returns, or shadow work; while the lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 8th may be just one of many shake-ups to your sense of stability in 2022. Mercury goes retrograde four times this year: January 15th, May 10th, October 2nd, and December 29th. The first three will be times to refine communication and ideas; relationships and commitments; social networks and your wishes. All four retrogrades will also tap into your finances (again), routines, health, career and role in the world. We start off 2022 with Venus retrograde in Capricorn, which could have you feeling uncertain about your career and long-term goals right out the gate. Your ruling planet Mars goes retrograde in Gemini on October 31st until the New Year, and could make conversations tense and leave you feeling misunderstood—especially between the Mercury retrogrades in the second half of the year. Jupiter will be in Pisces until it briefly enters your sign on July 28th through November 23rd—which could bring a boost to your confidence, luck, and overall outlook—think of this time as getting a taste of all the good things that will be coming full circle for you in 2023. Summer (winter in the Southern Hemisphere) is generally a time to slow down while the outer planets enter their retrograde season. After two months of basking in your glow-up, Jupiter goes retrograde on July 28th. Saturn goes retrograde in Aquarius from June 4th until October 23rd, which may make it harder for you to work on your goals and might have you re-assessing the people and causes you associate with. With Uranus in Taurus throughout the year, you may feel like you need to make big changes with money, possessions, and your sense of security—Pluto in Capricorn (and the Pluto return of the United States) is also playing a big hand in this. You may be feeling especially sensitive amidst all these big life changes with Neptune in Pisces and the asteroid Chiron (the wounded healer) in Aries, but these two transits also help you tune into subtle realities and the uncharted depths of your soul, especially around April 12th when Jupiter joins with Neptune in a conjunction. Many of you will be undergoing major changes and breaking out (or pulled out) of situations that just aren’t working for you, and feel called to work in a completely different way. By the end of the year it should be obvious what is and is not working, and you will be ready to rise in 2023 like a phoenix. Don't lose yourself in the fires of this great transformation… allow yourself to be re-forged instead. What legacy do you wish to leave behind? It may feel like the world is crumbling at times, making it all the more important to hold to the vision of what you wish to create in its place.
So many of the big shifts happening in 2022 are taking place in your sign. You might feel like you are stepping onto a mainstage or coming into yourself in a very big way this year. With the North Node and Uranus in Taurus, your sense of self and relationships are prime to undergo some major transformations, especially in the spring and autumn. There is a lot of soul-searching this year as you explore who you really are. The first eclipse is in Taurus on April 28th, which may radically change the way you identify or express yourself. With the lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 14th, you may notice over the next six months that you no longer feel aligned in your old relationships, or that your perspectives regarding relationships are shifting with your personal growth, particularly around October 25th with the solar eclipse in Scorpio—which is likely to bring in new partnerships or commitments. However, the lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 8th may trigger a purge, so be sure to be as gentle with yourself as possible around that time. With your ruling planet Venus retrograde in Capricorn right at the start of the year, you are feeling very introspective (even pensive) and reevaluating your outlook and world views—you may really long to travel or even relocate to a different part of the world entirely—especially with Pluto in Capricorn for the entire year. The Mercury retrogrades will probably have you making some adjustments to your career & public image from January 14th to February 5th; your finances & values from May 10th to June 2nd; and your health & routines from September 9th to October 2nd. Plan for delays or cancellations if you are traveling around the holidays with the final retrograde starting on December 28th. Mars could boil some frustrations and push you to overcome material or financial challenges in the last stretch of the year as it retrogrades in Gemini from October 28th until New Years’ Day. Jupiter in Pisces throughout most of the year is actually very auspicious for you, and brings many synchronicities and opportunities through your social networks. While identity shifts are likely, meaningful connections and social support are ripe for you—the term “soul family” comes to mind. April 12th is an especially powerful time for you to manifest your dreams or community with the conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune, especially of the alternative, creative, or spiritual variety. The summer (or winter in the southern hemisphere) is when many of the outer planets begin their retrograde seasons, and really give us a time to slow down and catch our breath. Jupiter will dip into Aries from May 10th to October 28th, which brings great rewards through meditation and tending to your mental health, especially when it goes retrograde on June 28th. Saturn in Aquarius is actually in a good place to set you up for long-term success, as it helps you persevere in your work and the role you fill in the world at large, but might have you reevaluating your career or long-term goals as it retrogrades between June 4th to October 23rd. Uranus is one of your biggest catalysts this decade (and is shaking up the entire world and economy) as it will be in your sign until 2026. This planet of change and innovation will be especially potent around May 10th, June 11th, and July 31st when the Sun, Venus, and North Node join with Uranus. Admittedly, change is not usually comfortable, especially for the fixed earth sign Taurus—but it is the order for 2022. When a caterpillar enters its chrysalis, its body completely dissolves… it must lose everything it was to become what it was always meant to be. Your assignment, Taurus, is not only to embrace transformation, but lead the rest of the world through example as we move through these changing times.
Self-care is going to be a major theme for Gemini this year, as is figuring out what actually works for you. There was a lot of focus on your sign over the past year and a half, and there will be opportunities for you to get back on your feet and do some emotional healing. A little discipline and self-control can get you very far in 2022. You may feel called to return to your soul around the solar eclipse in Taurus on April 28th, which could really stir up some chaos in your daily life or routines with the lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 14th. The next six months will be a time to figure out how to let your soul flow through the day, mindfulness practices such as meditation, yoga, or making art are all great places to start. You might be taking your physical health or habits more seriously with the solar eclipse in Scorpio on October 25th; while the Taurus lunar eclipse on November 12th can help you manage or resolve any mental health issues that have plagued you. It is helpful for you to pay close attention to Mercury, your ruling planet, throughout the year. Mercury is going retrograde four times in 2022, and the first three retrogrades will be starting in air signs and ending in earth signs—whatever has been “up in the air” will come (crashing) down to earth. The first half of the year may feel especially rocky, starting off with a Mercury retrograde from January 15th to February 5th in Aquarius, with cancelled travel plans, spiritual crises, or perhaps institutions of learning—student loans in the U.S. are notably set to resume at the end of this Mercury (and Venus) retrograde. Saturn will also be Aquarius throughout the year, so whatever lessons or obstacles come up during this time will probably be thematic for the year. The Mercury retrograde from May 10th to June 2nd will likely have the greatest impact since it starts in Gemini and ends in Taurus, during which time you are prone to feel completely misunderstood or misrepresented, and might need to take care of your mental health. September 9th to October 2nd could be a good time to complete unfinished creative projects or get back to things you love—and really reflect on why things didn’t work out with any exes or old flames that may crop up around this time. 2022 is going to be an important time for you to learn about financial and investment matters, especially since we end the year with the fourth Mercury retrograde in Capricorn on December 29th. We actually start off this year with Venus retrograde in Capricorn as well, which could bring some pain in your shared assets or investments, especially with the third and final conjunction between Venus and Pluto on March 3rd—which could bring major gains or losses, meaning you’ll want to do your research before then either way. There is also a greater likelihood to resolve or receive inheritances or settlements. This is definitely not the year to be careless with debts or taxes. Mars will be retrograde from October 30th through the rest of year in Gemini, which could deplete your energy levels or leave you prone to accidents and conflict. However, things could really be looking up for you in your career, especially if you work in some alternative field that is creative or spiritual in nature. Jupiter and Neptune could be giving you lots to celebrate in your professional life, and while you might be getting a promotion or extra money, it is also possible to fall off your high horse or get lost in the clouds with these two. Jupiter will briefly be in Aries from May 10th to October 28th, which is a great time for synchronicities and opportunities through friends or acquaintances—these blessings will likely come full-circle or full-force in 2023. Uranus has been and will continue to pump the unexpected into your life all the way into 2026, and will electrify your subconscious mind and may even trigger a few spiritual awakenings, especially around April 18th when it comes into conjunction with Mercury. Whatever happens in your life or the world around you 2022 might feel like background noise to the internal shifts that are unfolding. Spirit is helping you heal in all the ways that make you feel separate from your highest self. April in particular will be a profoundly spiritual time for you. There will be times you may feel like you’re drowning and times you feel very at home in the unseen currents of life. I think of you like the whale, diving into the depths and singing the music of your soul… but regardless of how much you belong in these waters, remember to come up for air.
There is a major focus on your hopes, dreams, and connecting with “your people” this year—especially of the artistic or creative variety. Seeking out mentors or helpful acquaintances in 2022 can really move you along your path. Since you are ruled by the Moon, the eclipses and lunar nodes are especially important in navigating what lies ahead of you. The solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30th and the lunar eclipse in Scorpio on April 15th are really shifting your priorities from your day-to-day pleasures to connect with others and your ideals. Over the next six months your focus on friendships and networking could ultimately feed your creativity, especially around the solar eclipse in Scorpio on October 25th and the lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 8th. You might get struck with inspiration, discover a new passion, or possibly even conceive around this time; while shedding old friendships or social circles that no longer feel like a match. The Black Moon Lilith (or the apogee of the Moon) will enter your sign on April 14th, which could really stir you into rebellion or challenging traditions. Mars will be retrograde in Gemini from October 30th until New Years’ Day 2023, which could really agitate or inspire you to take a look at your subconscious beliefs, expectations, or motives. Mercury is going to be going retrograde from January 15th - February 5th, May 10th - June 2nd, September 9th to October 2nd, and December 29th into next year. These retrogrades are really going to bring subconscious dynamics or beliefs to the surface, especially within the context of relationships, and may actually heighten your intuition. Commitment and partnership is actually going to be pretty thematic for this first quarter of 2022, as we start the year off with Venus retrograde in Capricorn until January 29th. Venus will be forming its third and final conjunction of this cycle with Pluto on March 3rd, right before it enters into Aquarius, and will be ripe with profound transformations in your relationship dynamics—regardless of your actual relationship status. There could be lots of tension that could make or break bonds, as well as reviewing or even being revisited by lovers from the past. We also have two New Moons in Capricorn on January 2nd and December 23rd this year, which may also herald new relationships or commitments. Jupiter and Neptune could present you with travel opportunities—especially spiritual retreats or studying abroad—or simply having you connect with distant lands or belief systems. You should be especially discerning with spiritual teachers or concepts, particularly in April through July, while there are a few alignments that could be ungrounding for you. Don’t just derive your spiritual connection from another person—develop a daily practice that can help you cultivate or integrate universal wisdom for yourself. Jupiter will briefly touch into Aries from May 10th to October 23rd, which could bring blessings to your career or public image that may really come into fruition in 2023. Summer (or winter in the southern hemisphere) will be a time to slow down and catch our breath when the outer planets enter their retrograde season. Saturn is going to be in Aquarius throughout the entire year, and will retrograde from June 4th to October 23rd. Saturn has been and will continue to confront you with taking care of the things you would probably prefer to avoid—grief, debts, and insurance—as well as intimacy and sexuality (especially with Lilith in your sign). Uranus is in Taurus until 2026, and is really shaking you out of conformity. You may make very unlikely, synchronous, or even life-changing connections, especially around July 31st when the North Node joins with Uranus and November 8th during the Full Moon eclipse in Taurus. Similarly, you could suddenly get a lot of exposure online or in your field or community with these Taurean aspects and eclipses. I think of you as embodying the crow or raven this year, Cancer. You aren’t afraid of the dark or esoteric—and perhaps more importantly, you are finding your flock of people who celebrate the parts of you others may fear or reject.
Just being straight with you, Leo, there may be moments in 2022 when you feel like you are getting crushed by the weight of the world… but you should remember that this is the pressure that turns coal into diamonds. You might feel called to let go of what is familiar or comfortable as you rise towards greatness. This year has a lot in store for your career, public image, and life purpose in particular. As a Leo, you are ruled and heavily influenced by the Sun, so the solar eclipses on April 30th in Taurus and October 25th in Scorpio are especially powerful times for your professional and domestic life. Meanwhile the lunar eclipses on May 15th in Scorpio and November 8th in Taurus could signify a chapter coming to a close such as moving into a new home, changes within your family, or giving your notice of resignation. Mercury will retrograde four times this year—mostly beginning in air signs and ending in earth signs—which could bring up issues regarding commitments, relationships, and communication. Mercury may also spin a little chaos at work or in your routines, and require you to make adjustments that are more sustainable and healthy in the long run. Saturn will be in Aquarius until 2023 and is making you take your long-term partnerships and compatibility with others very seriously—it is no time to settle on your deepest desires or needs, which may be tempting between June to October when Saturn is retrograde. You are really stepping up in your life in 2022, and will likely crave a partner who has equivalent (or greater) footing as you. You might be paying off debts, forgiven on loans, or receiving unexpected windfall with Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces. Jupiter brings luck, expansion, and hope; while Neptune is dreamy, spiritual, and can signify the dissolution of things. Spiritual or occult exploration could be a rewarding rabbit hole, especially when Jupiter enters into Aries between May to the end of October when opportunities for learning or travel may be presented to you (as well as into the following year). With Uranus and the North Node in Taurus throughout the year, it is possible for seismic changes to occur within your profession or role, especially around May and the end of July, which could range from losing a job, getting a promotion, or changing your field entirely—and possibly even a combination of these things! Pluto will be most influential during the beginning and end of the year, and will be reminding you that personal transformation begins by making changes to your daily life and making your wellness a priority. A health crisis or scare at the start of the year could really urge you to take better care of yourself. Venus will be retrograde in Capricorn until January 29th and will join Pluto one last time on March 3rd before entering into Aquarius, which will serve as one last push towards self-care before shifting focus into partnerships. It may be helpful to think of yourself like the eagle this year: soaring to new heights, reaching for the sun, and gaining a greater perspective of your own legacy. Perhaps one of the most curious and intense mating rituals within the animal kingdom belongs to the bald eagle, in which a pair will lock talons mid-air and plummet downwards in a “Death Spiral,” separating just moments before crashing to earth as a show of their undying commitment… although some actually fall to their deaths. Whether you are taking this plunge with another or with life itself, you must summon the conviction to strive only towards excellence.
Love is in the air, Virgo, and it isn’t just about romance… your assignment for 2022 is to fall in love with life again. The eclipses in spring and autumn could bring major perspective shifts, as well as opportunities for travel or study. The solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30th and lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 15th may call you out of what is familiar and invite you on a quest for adventure or greater truth. You may be seeking in any or every sense of the word until the solar eclipse in Scorpio on October 25th and lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 8th shifts your focus back into the immediate or sharing what you have learned. Uranus will be in Taurus until 2026, and is also really changing the way you perceive and relate with the world at large. Mercury rules your sign, which makes its aspects and transits especially potent for you. Mercury will actually retrograde four times this year, mostly transiting from air into earth signs. The retrograde from January 15th to February 4th may require you to fine-tune your health and routines, particularly in a way that prioritizes your happiness. Mercury retrogrades again from May 10th to June 2nd, necessitating adjustments and flexibility in your workplace while tying up loose ends. The retrograde that begins in Libra on September 9th will actually end in Virgo by October 2nd, which could have you rethinking your spending habits and personal values—you may feel misinterpreted or misunderstood during this time as well. The final retrograde begins at the very end of the year on December 29th in Capricorn, and in many ways will end the year on the note it started on, especially in regards to the things that excite you. Venus will be retrograde in Capricorn at the start of the year until January 29th, and could bring back old loves—whether that be exes or passions. Pluto in Capricorn is really helping you shed any patterns, beliefs, or attachments that are holding you back from enjoying your life. You will spend a lot of 2022 in general finding and figuring out what you desire in relationships with Neptune and Jupiter in your opposite sign Pisces. This could be the year you meet a soulmate—which doesn't have to be romantic if that’s not what you’re looking for. You will definitely feel a strong or even psychic connection with the people you share your life with. Jupiter will briefly enter Aries from May to July, rousing sexual energy and themes that will be more prevalent for in 2023. You should do quite well with Saturn in Aquarius throughout the year, as it pushes you to improve in areas you probably already excel in—wellness and routines. You can pretty much achieve whatever you set your mind to this year so long as you are disciplined. You may encounter some issues with work by the end of the year, when Mars goes retrograde in Gemini from October 30th into the following year. You should be mindful not to burn yourself out by that time. You should also be mindful of competition or conflict, especially in the workplace. Your focus on joy and partnership reminds me of otters. While they have a reputation for being adorably mischievous, otters mate for life, and will even hold hands while they sleep so they don’t drift apart. May this delightful creature show you how to flow and live in the moment.
There is a real pull to get out of your comfort zone in 2022 and address the things you have pushed aside in previous years. The solar eclipse in Taurus on April 28th and lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 15th may leave you feeling unstable, especially in regards to wealth and material things. There is an impetus to shine a light on the things you hid in the shadows, or perhaps uncover some truths yourself. Financially, it may be a good time to sign a mortgage, take out a loan, or invest. The solar eclipse in Scorpio on October 25th could herald a new beginning monetarily, while the lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 8th might come with some dues or a need to release trauma or negativity. Uranus in Taurus could really call you to really dive deep and explore aspects of yourself you may consider taboo, especially regarding spirituality or sexuality, particularly when it is joined by the North Node around July 31st. There is also a big nudge for you to investigate cryptocurrency and learn about the future of finance, as money will be a big focus for you (and everyone else to varying degrees) this year, and you may be very grateful for it later. Things might feel rocky at the start of the year, with your ruling planet Venus retrograde in Capricorn until January 29th. You could be feeling especially nostalgic or sorting through feelings about home, family, or your formative years. You might be thinking about moving, in the process of buying a home, or dealing with unexpected expenses. Domestic partnership may be on your mind a lot as you reevaluate relationships. Venus will be in Capricorn until March and will finish off its transit with its third and final conjunction with Pluto on March 3rd, which may really dial up the intensity of your desires or insecurities. 2022 is a year for you to really strike the balance between your body, mind, and spirit—especially around April 12th during the conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune. Jupiter will briefly touch into Aries between May and July, which may bring some positivity to your love life, but for the most part you will have the greatest luck this year when you focus on your health and routines—particularly with creative or mindfulness practices. Saturn in Aquarius is playing a similar note for you, helping you get serious about any passion projects that you may have, but could run the risk of having you take life too seriously this year. Balance and discipline are especially important for your success this year. There will be plenty of curveballs throughout the year, when Mercury goes retrograde four times. January 15th to February 5th could have you dealing with creative blocks or issues with childhood. May 10th to June 2nd could encounter travel delays, so plan accordingly. September 9th to October 2nd could leave you feeling misunderstood or misrepresented, with a need to dive deeper into your psyche. Finally, December 29th will end off the year where you began—thinking a lot about home, family, ancestry, and belonging. The animal that resonates with your energy the most the year is the beaver. You will reap many rewards by dedicating yourself to gathering resources and building a foundation for yourself in the long-term. You will likely be happiest in 2022 by keeping yourself busy.
While it may be intimidating for you, Scorpio, the year ahead is about removing masks and opening yourself up to connection and vulnerability. Maybe you already have or sense a special someone coming into your life, or otherwise feel a deep longing to merge with something greater than yourself. The eclipses in spring and autumn really are changing the way you relate to yourself and others. The solar eclipse in Taurus on April 30th and the lunar eclipse in your sign on May 15th in particular will really ask you to lower your guard to another person. There may be a new relationship or situation that arises in an established partnership that demands compromise or adaptability on your part for the following six months. The next solar eclipse on October 30th occurs in Scorpio, in which you must really change the way you show up and perceive relationships. You may even be questioning or exploring your sexuality, especially with one of your ruling planets, Mars, going retrograde in Gemini from October 30th through the rest of the year. There could be an intense whirlwind romance for you in 2022, particularly with Neptune and Jupiter in Pisces, and there may even be periods when you lose track of yourself. Mercury will retrograde four times this year and will likely stir up all sorts of emotions from your subconscious. Mercury may have you reflecting and feeling many things regarding home, family, or traditions from January 15th to February 4th; your private affairs and assets from May 10th to June 2nd; and your subconscious and spirituality from September 9th to October 2nd. The last Mercury retrograde that begins on December 29th in Capricorn might feel like a full circle back to the beginning of the year, when you were focused on ideas, communication, and possibly your siblings. Venus will be in Capricorn for the first three months of 2022, and will be retrograde until January 29th. Venus, joined by your ruling planet Pluto on March 3rd, could really inspire you to tear down all the barriers that prevent you from being seen or understood. Your family may have a hard time accepting or understanding your partners or obstacles in relationships, especially with Saturn in Aquarius throughout most of the year. You may actually need to distance yourself from your family to really establish a sense of identity or your relationship with someone else. Uranus in Taurus is radically challenging your preconceived notions regarding how relationships should be or look, and will likely have you addressing attachment issues or even exploring nontraditional relationships. However Uranus is influencing the way you relate to others, prepare for unexpected surprises! I can’t help but think of you like a hermit crab this year. While hermit crabs molt, they do not grow their own shells—they must seek out the shells of other creatures. Some species of hermit crabs swap shells often, while others will cling to their shell even after it has become too small for them. Hermit crabs, like humans, require others to have their own needs met. There is a distinction between interdependence (which is our natural and healthy state) and codependence… this is the year to sort through all the ways you confuse the two. Don’t confine yourself to one way of being (or relationship) because it is familiar and once kept you safe. Rather than using relationships (or isolation) to hide from yourself or the world, seek out connections that provide you room to grow.
While the past year and a half hasn’t been easy for the majority of people, it may have felt especially draining for you, Sagittarius—especially regarding commitments and partnerships. So much of 2022 for you is about taking time for yourself to heal, integrate, and reflect. The eclipses in spring and autumn are really helping you find wellness in every sense of the word: physical, emotional, spiritual, et cetera. The solar eclipse on April 30th in Taurus and the lunar eclipse in Scorpio on May 15th might represent a breaking point with your mental health that catalyzes you into cultivating mindfulness and intentionality with how you spend your time. The lunar eclipse on October 25th in Scorpio and the solar eclipse on November 8th in Scorpio might be a spiritually catalyzing time that fundamentally changes the way you go about your daily life. Listen to your body this year. Uranus in Taurus might actually be making it really hard for you to stick to a routine that benefits you, and you may need to add variety or try new practices to figure out what really works for you. Consider new experiences an essential part of your self-care in 2022. Mercury will go retrograde a whopping four times this year, most of them starting in air signs and ending in earth signs. January 15th to February 4th will likely be ripe with miscommunications and misinterpretations, especially with financial or practice affairs. May 10th to June 2nd could shine a light on what needs to be resolved in your partnerships, daily life, and may have you thinking about past relationships. September 9th to October 2nd could cause mayhem with your social networks and electronics—be sure to back up and secure important files! Finally, the Mercury retrograde in Capricorn starting on December 29th at the end of the year may quite literally feel like coming full circle to the start of 2022. Venus will be in Capricorn for the first three months of the year and will be retrograde until January 29th, and is really making you focus on your finances. You might experience major gains or losses around March 3rd, when Venus conjuncts Pluto, which will nonetheless help you figure out what actually brings you stability in the long run. Neptune and your ruling planet Jupiter will be in Pisces for most of the year, which could have you finding or longing for your “dream home,” especially around April 12th when the two align. You could be feeling especially nostalgic or reflecting on the past quite a bit this year, but you might be prone to overlooking what is unresolved from your early life. Jupiter will enter Aries briefly between May and July, which will be an exciting energy that you will return to in 2023. Overall you should be mindful of escapist or avoidant tendencies this year. It is important to do things for the sheer enjoyment of them. Saturn in Aquarius will be slowing you down more than you prefer at times, especially between June 4th and October 23rd when it goes retrograde, along with the other outer planets. The summer (or winter in the southern hemisphere) is definitely a gear shift, but it could actually be a good time to catch your breath from a busy and emotional first half of the year. You are very reminiscent of the turtle this year—finding the wisdom in slowing down and letting life carry you in its currents.
You have undergone a major rebirthing process over the past several years, Capricorn, and while 2022 is another transformative year for you, there is a real emphasis on creating things that you love. A stroke of genius or truly inspired idea could change your life completely this year. Children could also be an important part of your life in 2022, whether you are experiencing milestones or roadblocks with your child, planning a pregnancy or adoption, or (re-)assessing parenthood in general. The solar eclipse on April 30th in Taurus could really spice your life with some newfound passion, while the lunar eclipse on May 15th in Scorpio might leave you more introspective or introverted for the next six months. The solar eclipse in Scorpio on October 25th, however, could yield some recognition or helpful connections, especially if this coincides with the completion of a project with the lunar eclipse in Taurus on November 8th. Your ruling planet Saturn is in Aquarius throughout the year, nagging you to take your finances and prospects seriously. However, there is quite a bit of energy this year to completely reinvent the way you sustain your life, particularly with Uranus and the North Node joined together in Taurus. Venus will be in your sign for the first three months of the year, and it may feel like you have to choose between things you love, especially while it is retrograde until January 29th. Figuring out your priorities is actually pretty thematic for you in 2022 overall. Venus will join Pluto on March 3rd, days before it enters into Aquarius, which could catalyze a major shift in your finances or security as well. April is not only a creative month due to the eclipse, but because of the conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces. Your mind is especially intuitive and dreamy, but things might feel a bit fuzzy until Neptune goes retrograde from June 28th to December 4th. Jupiter will briefly enter into Aries between May to July, which is a positive omen for your home or family. Of course, 2022 is likely to continue spawning widespread changes and disruptions to life, particularly with the U.S. going through the heart of its Pluto return—which is happening at 26 degrees in your sign. Mercury will also be retrograde four times this year as well: straining your finances and values from January 15th to February 5th; disrupting your routines and daily life from May 10th to June 2nd; and your career and travel plans from September 9th to October 2nd. The last Mercury retrograde doesn’t begin until December 29th, but it is in your sign, which could drudge up misunderstandings and self-reflection. Mars will actually be from October 30th until the beginning of 2023, and is yet another transit that has you making adjustments to the way you approach your health, lifestyle, and routines. Yet this focus on structure could be you taking time or devising ways to make your life more conducive to how you actually want to live it. The animal that reminds me of you this year is the bear. A master of the natural cycles and seasons, bears make the most of what the world has to offer them. You could certainly be feeling very maternal (or paternal) this year, or birthing new creations. You will find long-term security in learning when to work and when to rest.
While many of us are having our stability shaken up in 2022, you might be building a totally new foundation—perhaps quite literally. One of your themes this year is getting to the heart of why you are trying to achieve your goals, as well as the ways you sabotage yourself. The solar eclipse on April 30th in Taurus and the lunar eclipse on May 15th in Scorpio could signify a new beginning within your home, family, or sense of belonging. The following six months could signify major changes or re-evaluations with your career or long-term success, especially around the next solar eclipse on October 25th in Scorpio, which could herald a new path or beginning. The lunar eclipse on November 8th in Taurus could bring into question where your stability truly comes from. Uranus (one of your ruling planets) and the North Node will be in Taurus for the entire year, which is really asking you to redefine the way you think life should look—especially in regards to home, family, and your beliefs from childhood or early life. Your domestic life may feel very disrupted or chaotic, you could be letting go of old traditions, or perhaps you are making a big move… however this energy stirs your life though, it likely has you yearning for your “true home” or “spiritual family.” Saturn, your other ruling planet, is actually in your sign for the entire year, which is part of the reason you may feel stifled from expectations you internalized from your caregivers or the world at large. Despite the economic shifts and changes that will be rife in 2022, you might find yourself gaining a new sense of financial freedom with Jupiter and Neptune, especially when they conjunct in Pisces on April 12th—just be careful not to get too fanciful or overzealous! You will likely have the greatest clarity (or a wake up call) regarding your resources when Neptune is retrograde during the second half of the year. 2022 might actually be a good year for you to start or commit to making money doing something you love, especially with the eclipses in spring and autumn. Spirituality will be of special importance this year and help you transform or let go of the things that are not meant for you. Venus will join Pluto in Capricorn for the first three months of the year, and will join with the god of the underworld one last time on March 3rd before entering into your sign. These two will have you address all the subconscious wounds and beliefs that prevent you from loving yourself or feeling loved. We sabotage ourselves so that aspects of ourselves can feel safe or secure—what needs are you trying to meet by not achieving your goals or becoming who you want to be? Literally write this question out on a piece of paper and jot down all the reasons you can think. Circle the answers that are most relevant and devise strategies to get the need met or challenge that belief. For example, you might want a promotion, but are afraid of the extra time or responsibility it will require. Some solutions would be to hire someone to help with the extra tasks or take care of other areas in your life. Very often however, just addressing or becoming aware of our subconscious fears frees us enough to move beyond them. Mercury will retrograde four times this year, mostly starting in air signs (including your own in January) and ending in earth signs, and will also promote self-reflection and identifying ways you hold yourself back. I can’t help but think of you as the Swan this year, reflecting on who you are and once were, if not a bit too pensive or territorial at times. Swans represent the union between the water and air elements, or the relationship between emotions and thought, and are very spiritual in nature. Let this graceful spirit be your teacher this year, and help you find the beauty you may struggle to see in yourself.
2022 is practically the year of Pisces, and thus, you are the star. Your co-ruling planets, Jupiter and Neptune, just so happen to be in your sign together this year—which promises to usher in creative and spiritual genius amidst the chaos. These planetary influences will peak around April 12th, when Jupiter and Neptune conjunct or join together. You are blessed with luck and personal growth that isn’t likely to be very painful—you are just naturally becoming more in-tune with who you are meant to be. The downside is that these two luminaries can detach us from reality or compel us towards escapism. You may also be especially prone to be projected onto, whether that works for or against you may vary, but it can feel like people aren’t seeing the real you. Jupiter will briefly enter into Aries from July 28th until November 23rd when it retrogrades back into your sign, which may bring or signal new prosperity. Venus will tryst with Pluto in the sign of Capricorn for the first three months of the year, and might stir up new or unresolved issues with your friends or social circles. You might feel isolated or misunderstood during this time, especially around March 3rd when Venus conjuncts Pluto, possibly resulting in some big decisions regarding the people you associate with. The solar eclipse on April 30th in Taurus and the lunar eclipse on May 15th in Scorpio could bring about a major perspective shift or give precedence to your immediate surroundings or plans. Communication, ideas, and possibly even your relationship to your siblings may be of special importance over the following six months—especially since Uranus and the North Node will also be in Taurus and bestowing you with all sorts of insights. The solar eclipse on October 25th in Scorpio and the lunar eclipse on November 8th in Taurus might bring about new opportunities for education or travel that requires you to step away from what you find familiar. Mercury will retrograde four times this year, mostly starting in air signs and ending in earth signs, which will clarify your emotions and even relationships to some extent. You may be especially reflective on (past or present) partnerships and relationship patterns from September 9th to October 2nd. While your presence is very magical and potent this year, Saturn in Aquarius makes it especially important for you to tend to your mental and spiritual health. Commit to a consistent meditation or mindfulness practice. While we are living through challenging times overall, you have this spark or glow to you in 2022 that will attract many things to you. You are like a firefly this year—a shining light in a time of darkness that inspires wonder and awe. You will be especially magnetic and alluring to people, perhaps at times drawing attention or people that is not worth your energy. Be sure to act on your inspirations and moments of brilliance as they come to you. You are meant to serve as a beacon to the rest of us—a teacher to discover our own light—which you naturally become by loving who you are.