Those with violet as a primary aura color often experience a real impetus to fulfill a greater purpose or connect with something larger than themselves. There is a longing to feel special with this aura color, which is not inherently wrong, but is often demonized and subsequently suppressed. The need to be exceptional can propel the violet towards extraordinary things that can benefit their calling, but may be harmful if it is not properly cultivated or tempered. They often struggle with self-worth and confidence if they do not live up to their own visions or expectations, or feel the successes they have achieved are insignificant or invalid. Many public figures and humanitarians emanate this color or add it to their aura. Spirituality tends to be important to them, whether they are spiritual leaders, devout seekers, or just fascinated by spiritual beliefs and practices from around the world. They are often well-traveled or have a wide array of knowledge about different peoples, cultures, and histories. A violet has a deep need to share their wisdom, whether it has been gained through life experience or their intuitive faculties. However, this can sometimes come across as preachy when they are less developed. Whatever it is they do or create, it has to enrich the lives of others, and truthfully, the vocation and hobbies of a violet personality are likely to change as they progress through life.
These free-spirited individuals often carry a presence, whether that is a front-and-center persona, or just possessing some sort of magnetism. The violet energy is designed to draw attention, whether that takes the form of praise or notoriety. Frankly, a violet doesn’t have to be the best at something to get recognition, as much as they just have to be aligned with themselves. It is not so much about what they do, but the energy that moves them to do it in the first place. This might be considered a blessing and a curse, especially in the framework of the law of attraction in which reality is conceived of as a hallway of mirrors—energy does not lie. Even more so than other colors, what a violet puts out is what gets reflected back to them, making them powerful manifestors.
These people need to follow their intuition and tend to go off the beaten path in life. While they prioritize growth similar to the green or yellow auras, it is less about the achievement or tangible rewards, and more for the life experience it gives them. They need to feel like they are changing or growing in order to thrive. Of course, humans are naturally resistant to change, thus many violet individuals subconsciously build their lives like a house of cards that will inevitably come crashing down after a few years and put them in a position of needing to recreate their lives all over again. A violet could honestly save themselves a lot of trouble by prioritizing and taking actionable steps towards the things that actually inspire them, rather than waiting for things to fall apart.
A violet aura is the mark of a soul that has incarnated with a commitment to change. They care deeply about others and their causes, but in all honesty, traditional long-term commitments aren’t usually lasting or realistic for them. While some violets seem to embrace this fact, it is actually a hard pill for many of them to swallow. We live in a society which associates success (whether that be lifestyle, relationship, or career) with permanence, which is ultimately a fallacy because nothing lasts forever anyways. A violet personality yearns to achieve glory and leave a legacy behind, yet many try to fit into a box that was simply too small for them, only to tear it down and go on to the next thing.
A relationship with a violet can only work if they are provided the space to explore, change, and create. This actually applies to career and all other areas of life. Many violets will adamantly believe they love or accept themselves, but will get defensive when criticized or questioned, which is a strong clue they are not actually as resolved in who they are as they believe. It may seem ironic that a lot of violets (especially with blue or indigo) fear abandonment or loneliness, but this seems to come from being considered “too much” and others unwillingness to adapt or grow with them in the past. Violets are special souls who need to connect to other special souls.
Many caregivers of a violet child will reject or replace their fanciful notions for something more “realistic,” leaving them with a deep sense of emptiness in adulthood until the violet re-parents or supports those parts of themselves. On the flip side, an imbalanced violet personality with a denser aura structure can come across as entitled, grandiose, and even narcissistic; all of which are the violet attempting to feel the power or purpose they lack deep down but desperately crave.
When violets are aligned, they can be some of the most awakened and benefic people on the planet, with a penchant for helping others step into their own calling or spiritual purpose. Yet in a culture of social media and influencers (spheres where many violets reside) where spirituality and self-help has become trendy, it is very easy for the shadow qualities of the violet aura to overtake these well-intentioned people. An unspoken envy or resentment often festers in their hearts if they feel misunderstood or underappreciated, taking the form of, “Why does so-and-so have so many followers? They aren’t even that talented or knowledgeable.” A violet must stay in touch with the “why” as they make their mark on their world, because their energy will influence those they come into contact with, for better or worse.
Creation is the balm for many of the aches and imbalances that can come with a violet aura. When they create something from their heart, it is akin to them remembering their soul. A desire for uniqueness can actually prove to be a crippling form of perfectionism, becoming apathetic about their efforts or ideas if they discover someone else has already achieved or conceived of something similar. While it is true many famous creatives have violet in their aura, their creative process should not always be about receiving recognition from others, as much as it is about them reconnecting to their nature as a divine creator. When they work from this aligned space, it is felt by others, and often draws the attention they crave and require to spread their authentically gained wisdom.