Turquoise aura individuals are some of the most energetically sensitive people on the aura spectrum. They are often natural healers and can possess a great talent in the healing arts. Many of them are drawn to biology, medicine, or other sciences before branching out into something more holistic or complimentary. They tend to have a special affinity with water, gemstones, plants, and nature in general. A lot of them are old souls that connect with ancient myths and civilizations. The presence of a turquoise aura can actually help move stagnant or blocked energies. They are designed to express or bring attention to what is not being said through their actions and words.
The turquoise aura often takes on the energy of others for the sake of healing and moving blockages. This method of healing only works in the short-term, however, and the turquoise individual often has to learn to not take responsibility for healing others. This gift is most effective when they sample others energies and demonstrate how it should flow through modeling behaviors and affirming guidance. Most people don’t know how to use their own energy effectively, and benefit immensely from interacting with a turquoise in this way. At their best, the turquoise is able to empathically connect with others and show them what their highest and most natural state is. However, a turquoise person needs to be mindful of who they surround themselves with, as they often form vampiric relationships with individuals who are unwilling or unable to create change within themselves, and use the turquoise aura person as an energetic drain pipe. This dynamic inevitably leads to resentment, with the turquoise doing so much energetic work that often goes unseen by both sides, which in turn causes the turquoise person to shut down entirely. As with all the empathic aura colors, boundaries tend to be a lifelong lesson for these sensitive souls.
It is important for a turquoise aura person to experience flow in their body, as this seems to be one of the ways they maintain their own energy. Flow arts such as dance, yoga, and qi gong seem to be of special importance—as these people require a way to express or move the energies they are prone to carry and absorb. Creativity and art therapy are also common vehicles of expression for them. Turquoise people remind me of alchemists or apothecaries, as they tend to make and work with things made of natural materials such as jewelry, tinctures, essential oils, candles, et cetera.
Turquoise auras are like ponds or lakes. When they are still, they reflect the wisdom of the heavens, and you can see the depths of their ancient spirits clearly in their eyes. When out of balance, their relationships to others and the external world becomes murky and distorted, to such a degree they seem unable to discern what is coming from within or someone else. They can feel projected on and project onto others at the same exact time. As such, many of my clients with this color will oscillate between blame (self or others) and doubt, sometimes in the same sentence, ”My partner is so selfish, or maybe I’m just too needy.” When in this disrupted state, the turquoise can actually become more triggered by the emotions and traumas of others than those individuals are themselves, as it triggers their own wounds and trauma.
A turquoise aura needs to strike a balance between flow and movement in conjunction with stillness, prayer, and meditation. An aligned turquoise person moves with grace and purpose, quite literally flowing like water. They can teach us how to become the eye of the storm in our own lives, but must first master this practice themselves. They will likely always experience mood swings and powerful emotions, so it is important they learn to become grounded and centered in the experience, rather than trying to suppress, deny, or spiritually bypass. They are born to ride the wave, but typically aren’t provided with the techniques or tools to do so in early life.
Many turquoise individuals struggle with their own physical or mental health issues that require a combination of traditional and holistic modalities to treat—almost seeming to incarnate with these issues for the purpose of experiencing the healing process themselves, similar to indigo aura individual. Yet unlike most indigo individuals who seem intent on demolishing these systems or creating their own, many turquoise people feel drawn to work and bring change within them, at least for a time. Turquoise people do have sensitive systems and are prone to allergies, and issues with the filtration organs (skin, liver, kidneys, urinary tract, etc) are common. They need to be especially mindful of what they ingest and might need to drink more water than the average person.
Since this color is a combination of green and blue, people with either color aura would likely identify with many parts of the turquoise aura. While blue and green is a common color combination around people, turquoise is actually quite rare as a primary color and does possess its own unique qualities. This color often shows up as streaks in the aura or around those who are channeling healing energy or messages. Turquoise individuals are drawn to spiritual and healing work in general, however, so many of them gravitate towards learning about topics such as energy and aura colors. Turquoise people really do have to deal with the life themes of the green aura of balance and the deep empathy of the blue aura.