A person with an orange aura is typically sensation-seeking and attuned to the physical world. These people tend to be quite creative, which may manifest through artistry or craftsmanship, or devising ways to overcome physical challenges. Orange people love to push their limits—whether that is perfecting a recipe or finishing a marathon in record time. Aesthetics are not superficial details to orange personalities, as they tend to be very particular about the way things should appear, sound, feel, taste, or smell. These people can be just as particular with the way a task or process is carried out. One could say that the soul of an orange individual is ultimately attempting to bring out and experience the truest essence of the world around them. While they may not necessarily have a taste for the finer things, they know what they like—often to the finest detail—and are unlikely to submit themselves to anything else whenever possible. An orange personality can be quite persistent, if not outright stubborn, in pursuing what they want. Of course, they are usually delighted to try new things or experiences, and truly live for the spiciness of life.
While these people may sound hedonistic or self-indulgent, they often love to give pleasure to others as well, or provide a sense of stimulation or excitement. Whatever it is the orange person does, they are likely to make it a whole experience. You can find many orange people working in the arts, fashion, and hospitality; as well as body-focused practices such as massage, fitness training, and physical therapy. Some get their sensory fix from a rush of adrenaline and gravitate towards physically demanding or dangerous activities and professions, while others are incredibly soothing and cultivate a relaxed ambiance. An orange person can ultimately be driven to climb to the highest positions in just about any field, so long as it captures their interest or supports their true passions. Unlikely to dwell or ruminate on difficult emotions for very long, orange personalities can masterfully bring people into the present moment, whether that is through a thrilling adventure, a comforting touch, or some sort of leisurely activity. Orange aura people can also make wonderful writers and storytellers, as they have a natural gift for engaging the senses of their audience. They often have plenty of stories to share and have an infectious sense of enthusiasm.
Orange individuals are more likely to be attuned to and take care of their bodies than other aura colors, but that does not render them immune to health or wellness issues. Despite their tendency to possess great dexterity, individuals that are drawn to extreme sports or potentially dangerous physical activity still run the risk of bodily injury or deadly accidents. Although people with an authentic orange aura usually like to indulge in flavorful or rich foods, many of them do not seem to enjoy the feeling of being too full, and can actually be naturally good with moderation. Many of them seem to be supertasters, a natural genetic variation in which one experiences a sense of taste with greater intensity than average, or are otherwise picky about the flavor and texture of food. People with this aura color are often shamed or ridiculed for their ways from a young age, often called ungrateful, materialistic, promiscuous, or entitled. As a result, they may repress themselves (sometimes showing up as brown) to the point of manifesting an illness, or develop addictions to fill the emotional void left by the absence of supportive relationships in their life. Shame and guilt are usually at the root of their deepest underlying emotional wounds. Metabolic issues such as diabetes and adrenal conditions seem more common for this aura color overall, as well as sensory processing differences.
Psychologist Elaine Aron identified and researched the trait Highly Sensitive Person or HSP to describe certain individuals as having sensitive nervous systems that are more attuned to subtleties in the environment. While people of any and all aura colors may identify as Highly Sensitive People, the orange aura probably has the greatest disposition towards it, as well as the lesser known trait called High Sensation Seeking (HSS) which can co-occur with the HSP trait. Meaning these people can be easily overwhelmed by stimuli, constantly crave and seek out novel experiences, or possibly both. Many children and adults on the autism spectrum also have orange auras, but this by no means implies that all orange aura people are autistic. Orange really does seem to show up around people whose sensory perceptions and nervous systems are hardwired to be more intense or engaged than others.
Orange people will often notice and point out or question things most people do not detect or examine. Many of them are actually quite intuitive and deductive, picking up details and impressions that escape everyone else around them. Their highly developed sensory awareness often seems to extend into extrasensory perception as well. Many of them have an affinity for the more unusual “clair” or psychic senses—such as clairalience (smell) and clairgustance (taste). These psychic senses often come up in mediumship, like smelling the perfume or cigarettes of someone who crossed over, but might also be connected with herbology, plant medicines, and essential oils. Clairtangency, or the ability to receive intuitive information through somatic or sensory impressions, also seems very active in these individuals. They might literally feel the physical pain of others in their own bodies, or feel bodily sensations as they walk into a room.
It is actually rare to see orange around someone as a primary aura color. More frequently this color appears between people—typically sexual partners or a bodywork practitioner and a client. An individual with an orange aura has the physicality of the red aura and the curiosity of the yellow. When orange is imbalanced or inauthentic in the aura, it can indicate overstimulation, excessive consumption, substance abuse, and engaging in risky behaviors. Gender roles and societal conditioning also seem to affect the presentation and behaviors of an orange personality quite a bit. Generally speaking, orange men or masculine people tend to be more adventurous, athletic, and thrill-seeking; whereas orange women or feminine people tend to be more sensitive, nurturing, and pleasure-seeking. Of course, any of these traits can present regardless of gender identity or sexual orientation. An orange person is defined by what they do perhaps more than any other aura color, and who they are as people really depends on their individual preferences. However they show up in our lives, these vibrant souls teach us to savor life and unapologetically do whatever it is we love.