There are few things as mesmerizing as looking a crystal aura person in the eyes. There are no masks, lies, or deceptions. It really is like gazing into a mirror. This aura looks like a prism, catching many different colors at once, as it takes on the energy of others and the world around them. Despite their extraordinary ability to reflect other aura colors, crystal individuals can feel quite lonely and have difficulty really feeling seen by others. They are so sensitive, one could say they have no real armor at all, which is also why they feel and take in the world so fully. Yet the ironic truth is that most people cannot handle the crystal aura person, as they are designed to reflect the most vulnerable parts of others and reveal what is or is not healthy and aligned. 

Crystals are often as physically sensitive as they are energetically. A crystal person is akin to what biology calls an “indicator species,” which describes highly sensitive organisms that are usually the first to manifest illness or abnormality when an environment is changed or introduced to a toxin. On just about every level, a crystal aura highlights what isn’t working within a community or even society at large. Crystals have a tendency to have unusual allergies or sensitives (sometimes without even knowing why they’re having certain symptoms), and they often need to be selective with what the products they use or consume. They seem more likely to follow plant-based diets, as they are so sensitive they may actually absorb the suffering of animals or their poor living conditions. Although other dietary sensitivities could make most foods and diets difficult, if not impossible.

An imbalanced crystal personality can easily lose track of who they are and become foggy. If they continue to decline, they may live in a state of constant overwhelm, have erratic behavior or thoughts, or even become vampiric at their lowest. I could conceive how this iridescent aura could be prone to developing dissociative identity disorder or adopting personas to cope with trauma. They are easily drained and require pristine and peaceful environments to truly replenish themselves. A crystal with poor boundaries can actually develop the health conditions of the people around them, or develop inexplicable ailments if they are not living in well-maintained spaces. A crystal aura person benefit greatly from being in relationships with people who are more conscious than the average person.

At their best, the crystal person is uplifting and has a knack for showing other people their own light. When a crystal aura reflects another aura color, it often takes a lighter shade than the subject(s) they are reflecting—quite literally making it brighter. They can be gifted healers, intuitives, and mediums. While a turquoise aura tends to move or dissolve energetic blockages, the crystal aura refracts and separates them like a prism. A prism slows light down and separates the colors. A crystal person slows energy down so that it may be better perceived or redirected into a more aligned movement. They are actually pretty poor at “dissolving” or removing anything at all, they heal by moving energy back to its correct place or recycling it. The crystal aura person is a gift that can help us perceive without egotistical judgment and understand why things aren’t working.

A crystal aura might very well be drawn to work as a spiritual worker, monk, nun, librarian, artist, or any profession that fosters a quiet work environment. Spending time in nature, churches, or temples is perfect for them. A crystal is naturally able to step into another perspective and fully embody it, so acting and theatre may also call them.